Safety Is Our Core Value
WAVE is committed to providing a safe workplace for all employees and has developed effective programs for injury prevention comprising of management, supervisors and employees, all whom actively engage in identifying and eliminating hazards that may develop during our work processes. We believe all injuries are preventable, all health risks are controllable and success is attainable through investment in employees. WAVE follows an 8-Step Safety Process, where committees are structured to help employees and management work together to identify safety-related issues, develop corrective actions, review incident reports and evaluate the overall effectiveness of our safety program.
Strong leadership and commitment throughout the organization are essential to the development and sustainability of an effective safety process.
The key to success is working together. We seek and value all employee input and provide employees the opportunity to be an active contributor to our safety process.
We establish and communicate annual goals and measure our performance in comparison to world-class companies.
We will achieve our goals by identifying potential risks through the examination of historical incident root causes, observation audits, employee feedback, work requests and effective corrective actions.
Safety will maintain consistent and at the forefront of daily tasks through communication, education and demonstration.FEEDBACK
We seek, listen and value the input and concerns of employees and respond in a timely manner.
We recognize employees on an individual or team basis for exemplary safety performance, demonstrating outstanding safety leadership, achieving safety objectives and submitting innovative solutions to safety issues.
Standardized training is conducted with an individual or group to enhance knowledge and develop employees to be safe and proficient in all areas of their job.